

由ISITC | 5分钟阅读| 2023年8月3日

以下是来自 ISITC的环境,社会 & 管理论坛 由论坛联席主席、Refinitiv的Lisa Benson撰写, 道富银行的Richard Fontes, MFS的温迪·马洛特说, 斯威夫特的梅丽莎·斯滕伯格, 以及波士顿合伙人公司的格蕾丝·康.

ISITC is an international trade association founded in North America that focuses on promoting communication standards and best practices in the financial services industry to improve operational efficiency and reduce risk. Their ESG Forum recently offered thoughts on the current state and future trajectory of environmental, 社会 & vnsr威尼斯城官网登入部门的治理优先事项.


您认为行业中哪个领域的ESG发展最快, 这需要更多的关注?

在过去的几年里, 环境支柱一直受到最大的关注, especially from regulators who are requesting disclosures around factors like greenhouse gas emissions and carbon intensity as core measures of climate risk. Climate data and disclosures are also a key focus for organizations as they work to set clear definitions around ESG measures to ensure the consistency and availability of ESG data across the reporting landscape. 治理指标已经存在一段时间了:高管薪酬比率, board diversity and policy frameworks are a few examples that have been considered by investors for years. 社会方面的问题在“多样性、公平性”中得到了越来越多的关注 & 包含(DEI)空间, whereby companies are being asked to report on their diversity for senior positions and those on their boards.

总的来说,教育是最需要关注的领域. ESG对不同的人有不同的含义, vns6060威尼斯城官网这个想法和倡议有很多错误的信息. 其中一个例子就是“漂绿”, whereby companies perpetuate misleading information – or strategically omit details – about ESG performance to make themselves appear more environmentally friendly and sustainable on paper than they might be in practice. The most important thing to do to combat this misinformation spread is to help people understand what ESG is and is not, 传达公司努力发现的风险和机会, 并阐明它在不同行业背景下的含义.

How should the industry react to counter-movements such as the anti-ESG backlash from certain market participants?

和任何运动一样, it’s to be expected that there will be pushback towards the other side of the pendulum too. 随着围绕ESG的问题日益成为人们关注的焦点, 订婚, open communication and building pathways that improve transparency are all ways to improve education around the matter and ultimately continue movement forward.

While there are products in the market that specifically focus on impact and 社会ly responsible investing, most asset managers understandably need to consider ESG factors alongside traditional measures, 比如现金流量, 市盈率, 风险概况, 等. 这两种考虑都有共存的空间, and companies should take care to understand the ESG risks and opportunities they face when making any investment decision. Things like climate change can pose substantial risk for many companies in the long-term if overlooked.


How have you seen the industry change its attitudes towards DEI in recent years?

DEI initiatives date back to the 1960s, rooted in the civil rights movement. 在过去十年中, 然而, they have become more actionable items on corporate agendas as companies work to ensure that diverse groups are represented in their workplaces. As the research continuously reinforces the competitive advantage of diverse workforces, companies are taking on the responsibility to implement systemic changes to make it happen.


  • Building partnerships earlier in the talent pipeline, starting at the high school level
  • 从各种各样的大学招聘, 结合地理位置, 学习的专业/专业, 以及学校的历史价值
  • Ensuring job descriptions are using gender neutral language that attracts and includes diverse talent

一旦员工进了门, the efforts can shift to developing leadership and mentorship programs to support underrepresented groups, focusing on breaking down unconscious bias to ensuring all employees feel included.

A common hesitation among industry players is that they are afraid of ‘failing’ at their DEI initiatives. 如何应对这种情况,以确保该行业不会停滞不前?

It’s a common refrain and, unfortunately, occasionally used as an excuse for not trying. 多样性不是输赢或及格或不及格的练习, 这不是一夜之间就能解决的问题. Companies that are serious about DEI know it is a journey and strive to make incremental changes along the way. Measurement is a good place to start; if you don’t know where you are now, 你不知道自己是否在进步. Ongoing training is also important – you can’t expect to move the needle with a onetime unconscious bias class. 让员工在DEI中发挥领导作用. Affinity groups and Employee vns6060威尼斯城官网 Groups (ERGs) are great ways to engage employees and encourage everyone to help drive diversity forward.

Related: The value of a diverse workforce in the financial services industry

Do you believe that DEI is a too-often ignored opportunity for the industry to diversify their staff alongside their portfolios to bolster resilience and reduce risk. 换句话说, 公司是否应该采取更经济的方法来处理DEI, 或者应该将其视为纯粹的“社会”问题?

它们并不相互排斥. 在一天结束的时候, 公司要对客户负责, 投资者和股东以及他们的员工. 如果增加多样性缺乏经济意义,就不会被讨论. Studies have shown diverse companies are more innovative and profitable and have lower employee turnover with an easier time hiring the best employees, 谁支持DEI作为一种基于经济的方法.

最终,成功的DEI计划需要整个公司的方法. What should those in the spotlight be doing to help create a more equal industry?

It is critical to understand underrepresented people’s barriers to entry so we can change the systems that have gotten us to this place. While you need to have buy-in from leadership to drive change across systems and corporate culture, 从“自下而上”的角度吸引员工也很重要, 允许他们帮助推动这些变化. 这种参与通常由员工vns6060威尼斯城官网小组(ERGs)领导。, who represent and give a voice to those who have been negatively impacted by the lack of DEI practices. 这些ergg还推动了盟友关系, which helps engage the entire company in support of the advocacy needed to support change.

在一天结束的时候, successful DEI programs should focus on how the changes are driving the positive impact intended.

本文首次发表于 交易员杂志 2023年7月26日.

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