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Navigating the Perfect Storm of New Regulations: Exploring Post-Trade Strategies for the Buy-Side

By 存 Connection Staff | February 26, 2020

Can a holistic 帖子-trade strategy help buy-side firms manage the compounding impact and challenges of multiple regulations including UMR, CSDR and SFTR in 2020 and beyond?

Join us for a live webinar on March 31, 2020 (10am NY/3pm London) to learn more.

The buy-side faces an onslaught of new regulations that impact their 帖子-trade processes from collateral management, to trade reporting and settlement. These new regulatory requirements, including rules under Uncleared Margin Rules (UMR), Securities Financial Transaction Regulation (SFTR) and Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) will create a knock-on impact on buy-side firm’s businesses and their 帖子-trade processes, resources and operating systems.

结果是, the buy-side will face a raft of challenges to update operational processes and systems, in a time of ongoing cost and industry pressures, to comply with these new requirements.

In this webinar, a panel will first take a holistic view of these upcoming regulatory obligations to shed light on where UMR, CSDR and SFTR overlap to create challenges and opportunities for the buy-side. The panel will also explore some holistic 帖子-trade strategies and solutions that may help firms better tackle the challenges inherent in meeting new regulatory requirements while also establishing operational and cost efficiencies for 2020 and beyond.



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