
存 Employees Recognized for Fundraising Efforts in 美国癌症vnsr威尼斯城官网登入s Making Strides Campaign

烘焙, bingo 和 badgering were some of the strategies two 存 employees used to each raise more than $10,000美元。在对抗乳腺癌方面取得进展” campaign, an effort that earned them awards from the 美国癌症vnsr威尼斯城官网登入 (ACS).

Charlene Dorsett, Senior Associate, Corporate 事件 Marketing, based at 存’s U.S. office 在坦帕, was named an ‘’Employee Champion’’ 和 Joe King, Director of Corporate Content & Editorial Strategy, also based 在坦帕, was named the ‘’真正的男人穿粉红色的冠军’’, for their work to raise funds 和 awareness during the campaign last fall.

存 Employees Recognized for Fundraising Efforts in 美国癌症vnsr威尼斯城官网登入’s “Making Strides” Campaign 

Charlene said she got involved with the campaign through 存’s Employee Resource Group; Women’s Initiative for Networking 和 Success (WINS) but also because she had a prior connection to the 美国癌症vnsr威尼斯城官网登入.

Charlene joined ACS fresh out of college 和 was part of the group that helped open a Hope Lodge, one of the organization’s 30+ hospitality centers for cancer patients 和 their families. “I knew how that organization cared for people,” she said.

“It’s a very personal journey when you have individuals in your life that have that awful disease,夏琳想道。. “It’s not just the person who gets the disease. If you are in their circle, you feel their pain. The entire family 和 friendship circle gets sick, too.”

Though she’s been involved in Making Strides for several years, last year’s efforts were stepped up a notch despite having to rely on virtual programming because of the Covid-19 p和emic. Charlene worked with the 存 Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) group, including 存 CSR Director Fikir S和ers 和 CSR Senior Associate Gerardo Reyes, 在坦帕, to encourage colleagues to donate with creative events like an online ‘’Making Strides Trivia Bingo’’ night, 和 a virtual baking demonstration featuring 存 Managing Director Keisha Bell, Head of Diverse Talent Management 和 Advancement.

“Partnering with them was amazing,’’ Charlene said. 和他们一起工作很愉快. 筹集资金真是太棒了, 但这也很有趣, seeing how the employees support the cause. They just make it more engaging 和 more interesting 和 fun.”

至于她的获奖, Charlene said it’s nice to have but the feeling of volunteering 和 giving back surpassed the award. ‘’I think I already got the reward by participating, engaging 和 volunteering my time.’’

The campaign also involved the introduction of the ‘’Real Men Wear Pink’’ campaign to 存, with Joe King the driving force behind the company’s efforts. 像Charlene, Joe’s efforts came from a personal perspective, because he’s had family members who have been impacted by breast cancer, 包括一些没能活下来的人. “It’s something that’s near 和 dear to me,他说.

The challenge of raising money to fight breast cancer got Joe thinking about what he could do beyond just writing a check. He was happy to be nominated to represent 存 for the Real Men Wear Pink campaign 和 excited by the challenge.

He praised the ACS for providing the tools to get the job done, including advice for how to raise funds through email 和 social media. “The ACS is there every step of the way with you,他说. His “natural nudginess” took over once the campaign started, 他在脸谱网上发帖, LinkedIn 和 elsewhere 和 cajoled colleagues from the top of the company all the way down. “我希望它能成功. I wanted 存 to be up there on the top of that leaderboard,他说. 所以,我礼貌地鼓励人们捐款.”

One important point for Joe was that there was no donation too small. “That $1, $5 or $10 donation - every single donation, every single dollar is important,他说. He relied in particular on materials that showed how even small dollar donations would be used.” A $10 donation, for example, could provide a cancer patient transportation for treatment.

“I was able to take the ACS materials 和 create communications that got to people’s hearts 和 made them see the real impact of their donation,乔说. “The last thing that someone fighting this disease needs to think about is, “能载我去治疗吗??“你怎么能不给我10美元呢?”

Joe said he raised some money from family 和 friends but most of the dollars he took in came from 存 colleagues. “这绝对是公司驱动的,他说, crediting the 存 family with the success of the campaign. “我只是碰巧成为了这件事的代言人.” He hopes that he can mentor the next staffer to take up the pink banner.

Taking part in corporate social responsibility 和 supporting organizations that are close to our hearts is a big part of 存. 欲知详情,请浏览 它关心.

You can also keep up to date on our CSR activities by following us on Instagram, 脸谱网LinkedIn.

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