2022年7月27日 • 新闻稿

存 合作伙伴 with Kingfield to Transform Corporate Actions Claims Process

New York/London/Hong Kong/Singapore/Sydney, 7月y 27, 2022 -存托信托 & 结算公司(), the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry, 今天宣布其子公司, The Depository Trust Company (直接转矩), has connected its 自动化 ClaimConnect solution to the claims processing platform offered by leading financial software provider Kingfield Corporation. The partnership will allow mutual clients, 包括道富银行, to bilaterally manage claims and other types of exceptions using Kingfield’s platform. 有了这种连接性, firms will be able to automatically match claims before sending them to 直接转矩 for straight-through-processing and intraday 结算 via securities payment orders (SPOs).

直接转矩的ClaimConnect服务, 于2020年10月首次宣布, provides 自动化 cash claim processing across the entire lifecycle of a corporate actions claim. The service 自动化 a previously manual, error-prone process that often required large operations teams to use fax machines, 电子邮件, 还有电话.

“Instead of a firm waiting a few weeks or even months to close corporate actions claims, ClaimConnect验证, 匹配, 落定, closes claims in a matter of minutes,安·玛丽·布里亚说, 执行董事, 资产服务 Business Management at 存. “Based on our discussions with the industry, we knew there was a need for a more efficient, 自动化, 灵活的过程, 我们感谢金菲尔德, 道富银行, other market participants and stakeholders for helping us to transform this process.”

“Being able to access ClaimConnect’s near real-time claim validation and matching through the Kingfield platform has been a game-changer for us,大卫·卡比连说, Managing Director at 道富银行 Corporation. “This solution has helped us unlock firm-wide benefits, including significantly reduced risk and increased efficiency.”

By integrating ClaimConnect with the Kingfield platform, mutual clients will be able to automate their claims from submission to 结算, from their own proprietary systems.

“Kingfield has been working with top-tier global financial firms to build a state of the art claims case management network,克雷格·韦尔奇说, Kingfield首席执行官. “We thank 存 for their partnership and commitment to simplifying corporate actions claim processing. The claim workflow process has been completed for our mutual clients in USD through the unification of Kingfield’s case management network with 直接转矩 for straight-through-processing and intraday 结算 via securities payment orders (SPOs).”

Today over 90 直接转矩 Participants are using the service to match, settle and close claims with ClaimConnect. In addition to being able to access ClaimConnect via Kingfield, ClaimConnect is also available on 存’s API的市场, an online “App Store” that allows direct programmatic access to 存 processing functionality.


With over 45 years of experience, 存 is the premier post-trade market infrastructure for the global financial services industry. From 21 locations around the world, 存, 通过其子公司, 自动化, centralizes and standardizes the processing of financial transactions, 减轻风险, increasing transparency and driving efficiency for thousands of broker/dealers, custodian banks and asset managers. 行业所有和管理, the firm simplifies the complexities of clearing, 结算, 资产维修, 数据管理, data reporting and information services across asset classes, bringing increased security and soundness to financial markets. In 2021, 存’s subsidiaries processed securities transactions valued at nearly U.S. $2.4000万亿年. Its depository provides custody and 资产维修 for securities issues from 177 countries and territories valued at U.S. $87.1万亿年. 存’s Global Trade 存储库 service, 透过本地注册的, 许可, 或者批准的交易存储库, processes 16 billion messages annually. To learn more, please visit us at www.存.com 或者和我们联系 LinkedIn, 推特, YouTube, 脸谱网, Instagram.


Kingfield is a fintech company whose mission is to optimize interactions between market participants by co-designing solutions with clients through low-cost, 共享平台. Kingfield’s clients are global custodians, 代理经销商, 投资经理, other financial service providers. Kingfield has built an ecosystem for clients so their interactions can become more real-time and digital, which will drive significant value. Kingfield is focused on shared technology that is co-designed with users, with much-needed efficiencies and controls coming from its common standardized applications solutions.  To learn more, please visit us at www.kingfieldcorp.com 或者和我们联系 LinkedIn.


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